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Do you know these cosmetic knowledge?

1. How to access cosmetic information?

It is essential to acquire the skills of reading labels, including product name, manufacturer, ingredients, shelf life, and other relevant details.

2. How can we determine the shelf life of a cosmetic product?

Generally, there are two methods for indicating shelf life: either through production date and expiration date or production batch number and restricted use date. Both methods indicate that the storage period applies only when the product remains unopened; once opened, its shelf life will be shortened accordingly. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to this aspect while using the product.

3. What does "best use by" date mean?

Some products feature an icon resembling an open can with accompanying terms such as "6M" or "12M," which signify that the optimal usage period after opening is 6 months or 12 months respectively.

4. What are special-use cosmetics?

Special-use cosmetics require registration management and include products like whitening creams, sunscreens, hair dyes, perms etc., all of which bear an approval number on their labels. It is important to carefully check for this number when making a purchase.

5. What are non-special-use cosmetics?

Non-special-use cosmetics fall under record management regulations; although they do not require a record number on their packaging labels, such information can be obtained from the website of the State Drug Administration.

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No.158 Yuhua West Road,Qiaoxi District,Shijiazhuang City
Tel:+86 17736001785
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