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These ten points should be paid attention to in fertilizing

These ten points should be paid attention to in fertilizing

1, Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer shallowly

Because nitrogen fertilizer is applied in the shallow layer, it is easy to decompose and volatilize nitrogen after sunlight irradiation, and the volatilization of ammonium bicarbonate is particularly prominent.

Therefore, it is necessary to change the habit of spreading the surface layer and take the way of digging deep to prevent the volatilization of nitrogen.

2, Do not apply a single fertilizer

Single application of a chemical fertilizer will lead to the destruction of soil aggregate structure, texture hardening, causing soil acid or alkali, seriously damaging its physical and chemical properties, and single application of chemical fertilizer will also affect the reproduction activities of soil beneficial microorganisms, reduce soil activity.

Therefore, it is necessary to rationally formula fertilization and achieve the mixed application of inorganic and organic fertilizers.

3, Do not use ammonium carbide in the greenhouse

Because the greenhouse is a high temperature and closed environment, and ammonium carbide is extremely volatile under high temperature conditions, the higher the temperature, the faster the volatilization of "ammonia", the more volatile, which will make ammonia smoke plants, hinder the normal growth of crops.

4, Do not apply too much high-concentration fertilizer at once

Whether it is nitrogen fertilizer or organic fertilizer, do not apply too much at one time, such as urea nitrogen content up to 46%. If the dose is too large, the concentration is too high, it will make the crop root "suck-back" phenomenon, resulting in root damage, rot and death.

The use of chemical fertilizer should also be "have more meals a day but less food at each" and master the fertilization principle of steady application and skillful application.

 5, Do not mix more than two kinds of fertilizer

For example, some "ammonia nitrogen" fertilizers should not be mixed with alkaline fertilizers such as grass and wood ash, lime, phosphate fertilizer, otherwise, acid and base neutralization will not only accelerate nitrogen exploration, but also its products will make the soil compact.

6, Do not overapply nitrogen fertilizer on legumes

The roots of leguminous crops such as soybeans, peanuts and mung beans are all attached with rhizobia. If nitrogen fertilizer is applied too much and too aggressively, the nitrogen-fixing activity of rhizobia will be directly damaged, forming "inertia" and reducing the nitrogen-fixing ability.

If the soil where legumes are grown is extremely short of nitrogen fertilizer, a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer can be applied in combination with phosphate fertilizer to achieve a balanced fertilization effect.

7, Do not apply chlorinated fertilizer to sensitive crops

Such as tobacco, citrus plum, potato, grape and other crops, are very sensitive to chlorinated fertilizer, and should not be applied to such crops.

8. Do not spread or apply phosphorus fertilizer

Phosphorus in the soil mobility is very small, shallow application (spread, surface application), so that phosphorus stays on the surface, cannot reach the deep soil, crop roots cannot absorb, thus greatly reducing the fertilizer efficiency of phosphorus application.

9. Do not spray foliar fertilizer at noon in summer and autumn

Because the temperature is high at noon on sunny days in summer and autumn, if the fertilizer is sprayed outside the root at this time, not only the fertilizer evaporates quickly, but also the fertilizer attached to the young branches and leaves is easy to burn the crop, which is a waste of fertilizer and prevents the normal growth of crops.

The best fertilizer spraying time should be in the morning or evening on a hot day.

10. Don't fertilize before heavy rain

Fertilization before the rainstorm or rainfall is very easy to be washed away, especially water-soluble urea, nitrogen such as superphosphate and phosphate fertilizer should not be applied before a rainstorm.

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No.158 Yuhua West Road,Qiaoxi District,Shijiazhuang City
Tel:+86 17736001785
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